
Parents & Friends

Community Involvement

Various social events such as Tea and Tears at the beginning of the year, Trivia nights and bi-annual fetes are organised for social gatherings of our community. School Council welcomes interested parents who would like to be involved.  Meetings and activities are announced in the Newsletter and via Compass.

Parents' views are surveyed each year. The surveys take place in August – September and use the Parent Opinion Questionnaire developed by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.  

The school welcomes parents' participation in voluntary work.

Areas where parents currently help include:

  • School Council, and its Sub-committees

  • Parents and Friends – special days/lunches for the children

  • Fundraising

  • Bike Education

  • Classroom programs e.g. hearing reading

  • Teacher/Class assistance – preparing aids, typing, computing, photocopying

  • Excursions/camps

  • Art room – helping with class activities and preparation

Please contact the school if you would like to help, or require more information.

When you are doing voluntary work in the school, please sign in and out in the visitors register. This is an Emergency Management requirement and is for everyone’s safety.

Parents and Friends Association


1.    Every parent can join the Parents & Friends Association. 
2.    All meetings are open and are held once a term. Meeting times are advised in the Newsletter.
3.    Elections are held at the Annual General Meeting.


  • Avenue through which parents can meet and get to know each other

  • Liaison between parents and the school

  • Providing fun activities for the students at the school


Upcoming Meetings

9.05am in Staff room

Mondays - refer to school calendar


Jasmine Tunstall-Bos and Natalie Kalweit

