
Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care builds and supports the entire school community, making connections between our students, staff and wider community. It encompasses all aspects of school life through a combination of structured activities and personal relationships. Pastoral Care at Moorabbin Primary School is concerned with the total well being of individuals within the school community and with the development of the whole person.

Pastoral Care is organized around the classroom teacher who is responsible for getting to know each individual child in their class, fostering their potential as a learner, encouraging positive behaviours and being alert to difficulties the students in their care may be experiencing. If there is a risk a child may be struggling with learning or personal circumstances, the teacher can call on the Principal and the Assistant Principal.

When our students enrol at the school each one becomes a member of a House which reinforces a sense of belonging to the community. In the Senior School, a Tutor Group system operates within each House. The houses are: Dendy, Hawker, Lowden, and Sadgrove. Structured and informal activities include: House Meetings and House sporting events, Physical activities, charity work through our very active Student Representative Council and special celebrations throughout the school year.

Promoting leadership opportunities is an important aspect of pastoral care at Moorabbin Primary School. Activities include monitoring and the buddy system (in the Prep Year levels), the Choir, sporting and cultural activities, social action as well as Circle time activities, and the SRC. The marking of special calendar events such as Anzac Day, Easter and Christmas offer students many opportunities to initiate, organize and design presentations and to take leading roles in the life of the School.

Pastoral Care is implicit in the care taken to teach students the importance of reliability, punctuality, meeting deadlines, taking care with personal and work presentation as well as recognition of achievement in academic, sporting, cultural and/or services to the community. Pastoral care is implicit in events that involve families such as welcome evenings for parents, family chapel services, family gatherings, and parent information evenings. Above all, pastoral care is the daily caring involvement of the student, teachers, in particular, and generally, all staff who work with students in either an educational, administrative and/or supportive capacity to nurture each child's potential for a productive and satisfying life at Moorabbin Primary School.